Kids And Faith: How A Daily Christian Devotional Can Help Kids Grow Spiritually

With the pull of technology keeping many kids distracted from spiritual matters, Christian parents are always looking for ways to get their kids excited about faith and learning about the Bible. Adding a daily Christian devotional to your family devotional time is a great way to bring your family together and encourage kids to explore biblical truths.

Devotionals are good for short attention spans    

Christian devotionals are short enough to hold even a young child's attention span but thorough enough to help instill Christian values into your child. This makes them a great choice for children who are overly active and may have trouble sitting still for longer periods of time. A child is less likely to become bored with a short devotional than with longer methods of study.

Devotionals can fit any family's schedule

No matter how busy your family is with work, school, and afterschool events, a daily Christian devotional can be worked into even the busiest schedule. You may want to set aside 15 minutes in the morning before everyone rushes off to work and school to share your devotional reading to get everyone's day off to a good start. If mornings are too hectic, you can carve out a short time before dinner or bedtime each night to have a family devotional time.

Let your child help choose a devotional

If you have children of various ages, you can allow them to take turns picking out a devotional to read each day. This can be a fun way to keep your kids interested in devotional reading. Special daily devotionals for children make it easy for children to grasp biblical truths on a level they understand and through stories they will relate to.

Keep devotional reading fun

Boredom is often the death of a daily family devotional time. Find ways to incorporate other fun things into your daily reading time. For instance, you may want to read your devotional together at the park with a packed picnic lunch or at a favorite family restaurant from time to time to keep devotional time interesting.

For Christian parents, finding ways to stay connected spiritually with their children is important. Reading a daily Christian devotional together as a family each day can help foster closeness in family relationships and help everyone learn important biblical truths. Christian devotionals are good for busy families and are easy to take along on family outings for families on the go. 

About Me

raising children in a religious home

Raising my children in a religious home wasn't something I was completely sure about. I grew up in a very religious home and it drove me away from the church over the years. It took me many years to find my way back to the church and I feared doing the same to my kids. So, how do you find a good balance of religion in the home to ensure that your kids understand the importance of religion without overwhelming them with the experience and driving them away? This blog can help you. I have worked with other parents to include tips and advice for parenting children in a religious home without pushing them from your beliefs.


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